
Heavy on my mind are a few things. Things which I wish I had more control over, but for reasons due to wrong chocies, I must learn to push aside fleshly wants and desires to be able to have a proper perspective. It is hard, almost impossible to know what to do. My mind thinks of too many things at times, which confuses the situations even more. Laying it all before the Lord is a step in the right direction. I must fully release though. If I hold on even a little, I haven't really let go. Oh the tangled web we weave with our foolish choices. Things from long ago come back to haunt us over and over. Lord give me strength to change my focus and allow You to strenghten me in the areas that I see no clear answer.
Welcome to my little corner of the world. I am always thinking about various things in my life and the lives of others. Mainly trying to figure out, be aware, learn from and grow as a person. I don't have many answers, but am trying to line what my experiences and observations are with the Word of God. He does know everything and has all the answers. He allows things to happen to various people for His reasons and purposes. We may not understand and we may be a hindrance at times in His will being worked out in our lives. I want to continue to grow and learn to step out of the way and allow His will to be done in my life as He sees fit.